Wednesday 22 July 2015

Handbrake - Open Source Video Transcoder

HandBrake is a multi platform tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs.

Download Link:

Thursday 16 July 2015

Secure Adobe Flash Player Updates

From the Apple icon, select System Preferences

Click Flash Player, you will see what version you have installed.

Check for updates. This will connect directly with Adobe Flash Player site. 

If updates are available just follow instructions to install. (You will be prompted to install further updates may be wise to click on "notify me to install updates" just to be on the safe side and follow the above procedure every time you are notified.

If you want to check installed plug ins - Safari > Help >Installed Plug Ins 

Saturday 24 January 2015

Microsoft Excel Alternative Formula for Monthly Date Addition

Microsoft Excel Alternative Formula for Monthly Date Addition

Create start date cell, in this example = A9, format as date.
Create the amount of columns needed i.e. 4 if quartet stats required and also format cells as date.

In first column, =sum(A9+90)
In second column cell type =sum(A9+181)
In third column cell type =sum(A9+273)
In fourth column cell type =sum(A9+365)

This should give you the same day in each column but quarterly months from original start date.